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Amazon Prime Adds Advertising to Prime Video in 2024

Amazon Prime announced on Friday its plans to incorporate advertising into its Prime Video streaming service, effective early next year. This development places Amazon in direct contention with other streaming giants, intensifying the battle for viewership.


Beginning next year, current U.S.-based Prime members opting for an ad-free viewing experience will incur an additional monthly charge of $2.99, according to an official statement released by the company. Pricing details for ad-free programming in countries beyond the U.S. will be disclosed at a later date.


In comparison, users of rival streaming platforms like Disney and Netflix are accustomed to steeper fees. Disney recently unveiled its ad-free streaming package at a starting rate of $13.99 per month, a staggering 75% surge over its ad-supported counterpart. Meanwhile, Netflix commands a monthly fee of $15.49 for its ad-free plan.


Amazon asserts that the inclusion of advertisements, slated to air during movies and shows on Prime Video, will fortify the company’s commitment to delivering top-tier content. The move, Amazon contends, is a crucial step towards sustaining the augmentation of high-quality content investment over an extended period.


Subscribers to Prime Video will receive an advanced notification via email several weeks before the introduction of ads, along with instructions on how to opt for the ad-free alternative, should they choose to do so. Notably, live events featured on Amazon Prime, such as sports broadcasts, already encompass advertising.


It’s worth noting that an Amazon Prime membership encompasses not only Prime Video but also offers enduring benefits including free shipping for items on, access to groceries, music streaming, and more, with pricing structures remaining unaltered.


This announcement comes on the heels of a June allegation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) accusing Amazon of purportedly enrolling consumers into Amazon Prime without their consent and making subscription cancellations a cumbersome process. At the time, an Amazon spokesperson vehemently refuted the FTC’s claims, deeming them false.


As competition among streaming services escalates, viewers are becoming increasingly discerning about which platforms offer the most favorable pricing and premium content. While the introduction of advertising options represents a calculated risk for Amazon Prime, failing to deliver content and pricing that captivates and converts users could prove equally detrimental.


The impact of Amazon’s new advertising tiers on Prime Video, and whether they will be sufficient to sway viewers or prompt Amazon to revise its strategies, remains uncertain. Amazon is staking its bet on the premise that limited advertisements during Prime Video content will fortify its investments in quality programming. The outcome, however, remains shrouded in uncertainty, leaving the streaming landscape poised on the edge of anticipation.

Source: AP News

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