UAW GM Stellantis

Ford Progresses, UAW Escalates Strikes at GM and Stellantis

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union has extended its “stand up” strikes to General Motors (GM) and Stellantis, affecting plants and distribution facilities in 20 states, UAW President Shawn Fain announced on Friday at 12 p.m. ET. This move is a calculated strategy aimed at exerting maximum pressure during negotiations with the automakers.


Negotiations with GM and Stellantis have proven to be more challenging for UAW compared to progress made with Ford, according to Fain. He acknowledged Ford’s commendable strides this week, particularly in areas concerning cost-of-living adjustments (COLA), the right to strike at plants facing closures, and profit sharing. Fain emphasized, “This last week we’ve made some real progress at Ford. We do want to recognize that Ford is serious at reaching a deal. Stellantis and GM are going to need some pushing.”


Ford, in response to the UAW’s expansion of the stand-up strikes, asserted that it is diligently working towards a resolution with the union. However, the automaker also pointed out that there are still substantial gaps to bridge on crucial economic matters. The stand-up strikes, initiated last Friday at GM’s Wentzville Missouri Plant, Stellantis’s Toledo, Ohio Assembly plant, and Ford’s Michigan Assembly plant in Wayne, Michigan, remain in effect until further notice.


Earlier in the week, the UAW indicated a commitment to a potential “months-long disruption,” leveraging competition among the Big Three automakers in their negotiations. GM expressed strong disapproval of this tactic, raising questions about the UAW’s overall strategy and its potential ramifications. Despite being disappointed with the approach, Ford affirmed its intention to engage in negotiations with “good faith” in pursuit of a resolution.


The outlook now hinges on whether Ford can secure a timely agreement or if GM and Stellantis can implement changes substantial enough to bring an end to the ongoing strikes. Presently, the UAW’s “stand-up” strategy remains in full force, leaving the automotive industry and its stakeholders in anticipation of further developments.

Source: Yahoo Finance

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