Lego and oil-based plastics

Lego Shelves RPET Plan, Sticks with Oil-Based Plastics

In a significant development, the renowned Danish toy giant, Lego, has officially discontinued its ambitious initiative to substitute oil-based plastics with more eco-friendly alternatives in its iconic plastic bricks. Following an extensive battery of tests and rigorous development efforts spanning the year 2020, the company unearthed a notable carbon footprint associated with their novel material, recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET). Lego’s Chief Executive, Niels Christiansen, candidly conveyed to the Financial Times, “We tested hundreds and hundreds of materials. It’s just not been possible to find a material like that.”


While the company has made the decisive move to step back from incorporating RPET, it remains steadfast in its pursuit of developing and assessing other sustainable materials, with an unwavering aim to adopt plastic-free bricks by the year 2032. The challenge confronting Lego in relinquishing oil-based plastics lies in locating a material that mirrors the same color, luster, and resonance inherent to the former. It is evident that consumers place paramount importance on the quality of the product, thus Lego is investing substantial time to ensure a judicious decision is made, one that serves the interests of both consumers and the environment.


Despite allocating significant resources towards the realization of oil-free bricks, Lego stands resolute. While a definitive timeline for the integration of these sustainable materials into consumer products is yet to be announced, the development process is vigorously ongoing. Lego maintains an unswerving dedication to steering away from plastics derived from finite resources. This unyielding commitment to sustainability brings respite to environmental advocates and sets an exemplary standard for other enterprises, emphasizing that the future of plastics unequivocally hinges on being green and ecologically responsible.


Though Lego encounters a temporary setback in its most high-profile endeavor, the company stands unwavering and fully committed to achieving its objective of adopting sustainable materials by 2032.

Source: Reuters

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