Save Food and Nitrousink

Save Foods Stock Surges 128% After Nitrousink Acquisition

Save Foods Inc, a prominent agri-food tech leader, has made significant strides into the carbon credit and greenhouse gas emissions markets, solidifying its position with the acquisition of a majority stake in Nitrousink Ltd. The latter is a cutting-edge research and development company specializing in technologies derived from the Agricultural Research Organization – Volcani Institute. Driven by Dr. Dror Minz, a PhD in Environmental Microbiology and the Director of the Institute of Soil, Water, and Environmental Sciences at the Volcani Institute, Nitrousink’s innovative approach has triggered a noteworthy upswing in Save Foods’ stock value.

After concluding Wednesday’s trading at $2.15, Save Foods’ stock soared, opening Thursday’s trading at $4.09 and continuing its upward trajectory. This surge is attributed to the strategic acquisition and the potential implications it holds for the company’s future in the emerging carbon credit and greenhouse gas mitigation landscape.

At the time of this publication, Save Foods Inc stock (SVFD) has witnessed a surge.
Save Foods Inc
Current Price: $4.92
Change : +2.77
Change (%): (128.96%)
Volume: 49.5M
Source: Tomorrow Events Market Data

Nitrousink’s research revolves around a comprehensive understanding of the plant root microbiome structure and function. The company’s solution involves tailoring the natural root microbiome to enhance the abundance and function of naturally occurring nitrous oxide, while simultaneously reducing bacteria to minimize the emission of this potent greenhouse gas. Notably, nitrous oxide is a significant contributor to ozone depletion in agricultural soils.

Central to Nitrousink’s solution is the use of active microorganisms that are entirely natural, devoid of genetic modification, and deemed safe for humans, animals, plants, and the environment.

The timing of Save Foods’ entry into this arena aligns with a growing market. According to Global Market Insight, the Carbon Credit Market’s valuation reached $87.9 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.2% from 2023 to 2032.

In addition to market dynamics, legislative developments in the United States further bolster the company’s prospects. The Energy Security and Climate Change Investments in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, passed by the US Congress, earmarks a substantial budget of $20 billion for investment in climate-smart agriculture practices.

Nitrous oxide, with its alarming global warming potential, is a central focus of Nitrousink’s research. This compound, 265 times more harmful to the climate than carbon dioxide (CO2), poses a significant environmental threat. Nitrousink’s groundbreaking research, spearheaded by Dr. Minz, has successfully identified and isolated two bacteria species from wheat roots. These bacteria exhibit natural capabilities in reducing N2O emissions under varying environmental conditions.

The implications of Nitrousink’s research are profound. Dr. Minz’s discovery reveals that one of the bacteria reduces emissions by 44% under oxygen conditions, while the other achieves a 39% reduction under oxygen-depleted conditions. These bacteria species were subsequently cultivated in a laboratory setting and successfully introduced to greenhouse wheat samples, offering a promising solution to the challenge of N2O emissions, a substantial contributor to man-made emissions in agricultural soil management.

Save Foods has committed to funding the research and development of Nitrousink, along with commercialization efforts, with an investment of up to $1.2 million over a three-year period. This financial support is pivotal in facilitating the expansion and widespread implementation of Nitrousink’s groundbreaking technology. As Save Foods takes bold steps toward sustainability and environmental responsibility, the agri-food tech leader positions itself as a key player in the evolving landscape of carbon credits and greenhouse gas reduction.

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