US consumer sentiment decline

September Sees Decline in US Consumer Sentiment

US consumer sentiment saw a slight decline for the second consecutive month in September 2021, as reported by the University of Michigan’s preliminary reading of its Consumer Sentiment Index. The figure registered at 67.7, down from August’s final reading of 69.5, reflecting a cautious outlook among households. Notably, expectations for near-term inflation dropped to their lowest point in over a year.


The survey’s barometer of current economic conditions exhibited a decline, indicating a degree of apprehension among consumers. However, there was a marginal uptick in the gauge of consumer expectations, suggesting a glimmer of optimism regarding the future economic landscape.


Survey director Joanne Hsu highlighted, “Both short-run and long-run expectations for economic conditions improved modestly this month, though on net consumers remain relatively tentative about the trajectory of the economy.” Hsu’s statement underscores the prevailing cautious sentiment among consumers, even with modest improvements.


Further analysis of the data reveals a notable shift in inflation expectations. The one-year inflation projection dipped from 3.5% to 3.1%, marking the lowest figure since March 2021. Additionally, the five-year inflation outlook hit a one-year low of 2.7%. This decrease in inflation expectations may contribute to a more positive atmosphere, potentially fostering increased consumer confidence.


While US consumer sentiment has experienced a second consecutive decline, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of a slightly brighter economic outlook among American households. The University of Michigan’s preliminary reading of its Consumer Sentiment Index came in lower than anticipated. However, the decrease in near-term inflation expectations could serve as a catalyst for an improved economic outlook.


Economists are closely monitoring future trends to ascertain the resilience of the American economy. The cautious sentiment observed among consumers highlights the need for ongoing assessment and proactive economic policies to stimulate confidence and growth.


As the nation navigates a complex economic landscape, the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index provides a crucial barometer of public sentiment. The coming months will be pivotal in determining the trajectory of consumer confidence and its impact on the broader economy.

Source: Reuters

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