TuSimple Holdings and Nasdaq

TuSimple Holdings Announces Delisting from Nasdaq Stock Market

TuSimple Holdings Inc, the American autonomous trucking company, has taken a significant step by announcing its voluntary delisting from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC and the termination of its common stock registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The decision, made by a Special Committee comprised solely of independent directors, reflects the changing dynamics in capital markets and the company’s strategic shift since its initial public offering in 2021.

Following the announcement, TuSimple’s stock, which closed Wednesday’s trading at $0.37, commenced Thursday’s trading at $0.35.

At the time of this publication, TuSimple Holdings Inc stock (TSP) has witnessed a surge.
TuSimple Holdings Inc
Current Price: $0.53
Change : +0.16
Change (%): (40.91%)
Volume: 18.6M
Source: Tomorrow Events Market Data

The company plans to file a Form 25 with the SEC to remove its Common Stock from Nasdaq listing and deregister it under Section 12(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 on or about Jan. 29, 2024. Consequently, TuSimple anticipates its last trading day on Nasdaq to be on or about Feb. 7, 2024. Subsequently, a Form 15 is expected to be filed with the SEC on or about Feb. 8, 2024, relieving the company of reporting obligations under Sections 13(a) and 15(d) of the Exchange Act.

The Special Committee’s decision to delist and deregister stems from a comprehensive evaluation that deemed it to be in the best interests of the company and its stockholders. TuSimple, facing a transformed landscape in capital markets characterized by rising interest rates and quantitative tightening, has witnessed a decline in valuation and liquidity. The increased stock price volatility further prompted the Special Committee to conclude that the benefits of remaining publicly traded no longer justify the associated costs.

The company is currently undergoing a transformation, and it believes it can navigate this more effectively as a private entity rather than a publicly traded one. TuSimple’s move reflects a broader trend among pre-commercialization technology growth companies reevaluating their public status in response to market shifts and evolving investor sentiment.

In connection with the Nasdaq delisting and deregistration, the Special Committee negotiated a Cooperation Agreement with Mo Chen, the Executive Chairman of TuSimple Holdings Inc. Chen has agreed to adhere to certain standstill provisions during a standstill period beginning on the Agreement’s effective date and concluding two years from the Form 15’s effective date. The Cooperation Agreement also led to amendments in the company’s Bylaws, requiring the Board to consist of at least three independent directors and mandating approval from independent directors or disinterested holders for any transactions with Chen or his affiliates.

TuSimple’s strategic move underscores the adaptability and responsiveness required in dynamic market conditions. As it transitions to a private entity, the company aims to leverage greater flexibility and autonomy to navigate its transformation effectively. Investors and industry observers will be closely monitoring TuSimple’s trajectory as it enters this new phase of its corporate journey.

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